"Every man shall give as he is able,
according to the blessing of the Lord your God that he has given you."
- Deuteronomy 16:17 -
As an act of worship, out of thankful dependence upon God and joyful commitment to God's kingdom, we give tithes and offerings. We give not out of burdensome obligation, but as a joyful response to the love he first showed us. By giving financially, we sacrifice some of our worldly comforts in an act of faith and proclaim that He is sufficient for us in all our needs. ​
Giving Options​
1. Place your offering in the offering basket as it is passed around the congregation during worship.
2. Place your offering in the secure offering box in the sanctuary.
3. Give digitally through Zeffy with this simple and secure online form. (Note: Where it says "Add a contribution to keep the platform we use 100% free!" please click "Other" and input the amount of 0. No contribution to Zeffy is requested.)