On the first and third Sundays, the adults will go through focused studies on various topics on the Minor Prophets. The goal of these "seminar-type" Sunday School classes is to provide a healthy and balanced spiritual diet to God's people. On the second Sunday of the month, we have Women's and Men's Community Groups once a month to encourage each other in the Word and prayer.
Separated into two classes (K-5th, 6-12th), our covenant kids are already learning how all the Scriptures is the unfolding of God’s plan of salvation for His people. We are using the Gospel Project curriculum to teach the big story of God's love for us, essential doctrines of Scripture, and how the passage connects to Christ and to us. What's also special is that youth of all ages learn the same Bible passages through age appropriate lessons!
Stay for a time of table fellowship after the Lord's Day service! Every last Sunday, we delight in the company of our brothers and sisters in the Lord when we sit down to eat a meal together. This is something special that distinguishes our church- we genuinely do love to be with one another, and this truly shines each Lord's Day. All other Sundays we invite you to stay for fellowship as we break into our Sunday School classes!
The Community Groups at Theophilus have one simple purpose: daily faith through spiritual friendship and accountability.
The TOPC Community Groups have been a blessing and encouragement so we can better stay connected. CG meets on the 2nd Sunday (women's and men's CG) and 4th week of the month (adults and youth together). Contact Pastor Sim if you are new to Theophilus and would like to join in a Community Group!
Every week, the entire congregation has access to a weekly newsletter with daily devotional Scripture readings. These are the same passages that the youth studied in Sunday School that very day, and they are the same passages that you discuss in Community Groups. The entire church, no matter the age or life-stage, reads the same Bible passages everyone else, to grow in spiritual discipline and accountability together. These newsletters also includes other online resources on the Bible passages for that week, such as a podcast, sermon, article, and parent resources.
This weekly Tuesday night Zoom class is for those who would like to delve more deeply in Reformed theology and how it applies to daily Christian living. Led by Pastor Sim, this is an intensive discussion-based study. Some of our books include Michael Horton's The Christian Faith: A Systematic Theology for Pilgrims on the Way and Carl Trueman's Rise of the Modern Self. We are currently reading Tim Keller's Making Sense of God.
In a classroom, or outdoors, or on Zoom, or in a living room, the youth faithfully meet each month (outside of Sunday School) to grow in joyful appreciation for God in our daily lives. Our heartfelt desire is to encourage all our youth to see that God isn't just their God at church on Sundays, but that God is very real and present in all spheres of life, through their personal daily faith as well as their friendships with one another.
We invite all our college and young adult to grow in faith as they support one another in this important season of life. This group meets monthly for fellowship activities, shared on our weekly email newsletter.
A 12-week study with Pastor Sim of the public vows you take in your profession of faith, covering the doctrines of the Bible, God, salvation, and the church. This year, people who are interested in membership class may sign up for the Spring or Fall virtual membership class, or they may request in-person classes with Pastor Sim.
Day or night, Pastor Sim and the other members of the Session are available to meet with congregants who may be struggling for biblical guidance and heavenly comfort. Contact Pastor Sim anytime to request phone-counseling, meeting, or home visitation. Non-members are also welcome.
Theophilus hosts church events, including the annual theological conference, Christmas Fellowship, and celebrations in which we share in the joy of important milestones like as graduations, marriage, and covenant children. We praise God for our church committees that have adapted so flexibly with the pandemic, with outdoor and virtual celebrations. This year, we look forward to resuming in-person events, Lord willing, including our in-person youth retreat/VBS this summer in July!